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On Va Consomme: Stromae's "Carmen"

What a pleasure to introduce one of my favorite animated music videos: a particularly topical collab between Belgian electronic pop icon Stromae and famed French animator Sylvain Chomet. Stromae is known for his deep-cutting lyrics and stylistic, thought-provoking music videos, while Chomet brought us such animated classics as The Triplets of Belleville and The Illusionist, the latter of which we featured last March.

Et c’est comme ça qu’on s’aime, s’aime, s’aime, s’aime

Comme ça consomme, somme, somme, somme, somme

This refrain is layered with multiple rhyming double entendres, and is the musical as well as thematic keystone of the song. At first look, these lines can be read as:

And that's how we like, like, like, like

That's how we are consumed, sumed, sumed, sumed

The first line can also be translated as "And that's how we love each other" with the second line meaning "How we consummate [sic]". A chilling take and stiff critique of smartphone dating culture, considering the main subplot of the story is Stromae trying to bed and ultimately alienating a female admirer in service of the ever-expanding twitter monster.

Another interpretation of the second line returns to the capitalistic critique of consumerism present throughout the piece, with the emphasis lying on the second syllable of consomme, being the word somme. This can be read as both "sum" as in sum of money, as well as "nap" or "sleep". This foreshadows how the people who buy into social media are the ones being used as they wander sleep-walking through their own lives. Stromae's character wakes up out of his zombie-like state in a twist that clearly bears the mark of Chomet's storytelling and visual style, but don't let me spoil it! Check out the video below, and tell us what you make of it in the comments section. And thanks for reading.


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