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Official Sponsor!

We are truly indebted to the fine folks at Mighty-O, our official sponsors, who kindly provide delicious vegan donuts for our screenings.

Logo for Mighty O Donuts, an orange oval with a white star in the center

Community Partners

A big thanks to our community partners and sponsors! We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for your continuing support. If you'd like to learn more about them, click the images below to go to their respective web pages.

Additional Thanks

Simon Fraser University's English and Philosophy Departments, SFU: Surrey's World Literature Department, and SFU: Woodwards' film school.

Specifically, professors Greg Polakoff and Alessandra Capperdoni.

University of Washington's Comparative Literature and English Departments,

specifically professors Kimberlee Gillis-Bridges and Mark Patterson.

All of the members at Push/Pull, especially Maxx Follis-Goodkind, Seth Goodkind, and Dillon Lacey.


Finally, thank you to Trevor Atwood for Japanese language resources and feedback, as well Emry P. Kirsch for their continued support, encouragement, and analytical conversation!

Image © 2017 Lucrèce Andreae, from Grandpa Walrus

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